Du kan bruge konceptet Virtuals
. Sådan går det:
Rediger din skemafil som følger:
const gameSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
rating: { type: Number, min: 0, max: 100 },
genres: [Number],//here you have an array of id of type Number as yours, no ref
const GenreSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
id: { type: Number },
name: String,
description: String,
gameSchema.virtual("games", {
ref: "Genres",//this is the model to populate
localField: "id",//the field used to make the populate, it is the field that must match on the aimed Genres model <- here is the trick you want!!!
foreignField: "genres",//the field to populate on Games model
justOne: false,
gameSchema.set("toObject", { virtuals: true });//if you are planning to use say console.log
gameSchema.set("toJSON", { virtuals: true });//if you are planning to use say res.json
mongoose.model("Games", gameSchema);
mongoose.model("Genres", GenreSchema);
På den fil, du forsøger at udfylde, skal du sætte dette i deklarationsafsnittet:
const Games = mongoose.model("Games", gameSchema);
Sidst men ikke mindst, hvor du ønsker at udfylde:
.exec(function (error, games) {
//with games you can use things like game.field1, it is actually an JSON object! Print out games and see the fieds for your self, select one and call it using the dot notation!
Jeg har testet denne løsning på et problem, jeg havde lavet, lige ændret for at passe til dine behov, lad mig venligst vide, om det virker i dit; hvis ikke, kan vi sammen finde ud af, hvordan vi tilpasser min løsning til dine behov.
Nogle indledende referencer