Faktisk, som AsConfused antydede, skal du oprette to joinforbindelser til TABLE2 ved hjælp af aliaser
-- both of these are tested
-- find t1 where it has 2 and 7 in t2
select t1.*
from table1 t1
join table2 ov2 on t1.id=ov2.masterid and ov2.optionValue=2
join table2 ov7 on t1.id=ov7.masterid and ov7.optionValue=7
-- find t1 where it has 2 and 7 in t2, and no others in t2
select t1.*, ovx.id
from table1 t1
join table2 ov2 on t1.id=ov2.masterid and ov2.optionValue=2
join table2 ov7 on t1.id=ov7.masterid and ov7.optionValue=7
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ovx on t1.id=ovx.masterid and ovx.optionValue not in (2,7)
WHERE ovx.id is null