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Adskillelse af data fra en konstant tilføjet fil til en ny fil

I stedet for at bruge en makro til at eksportere tabellen kan du simpelthen oprette en kode for at åbne filen og tilføje dataene til den.

Sådan bruges

Du skal blot kopiere koden til et VBA-modul i din applikation og kalde det sådan her:

' Export the Table "Orders" to "orders.csv", appending the data to the       '
' existing file if there is one.                                             '
ExportQueryToCSV "Orders", "C:\orders.csv", AppendToFile:=True

' Export the result of the query to "stock.csv" using tabs as delimiters     '
' and no header or quotes around strings                                     '
ExportQueryToCSV "SELECT * FROM Stock WHERE PartID=2", _
                 "C:\stock.csv", _
                 AppendToFile:=False, _
                 IncludeHeader:=False, _
                 Delimiter:=chr(9), _


'----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' Export the given query to the given CSV file. ' ' ' ' Options are: ' ' - AppendToFile : to append the record to the file if it exists instead of ' ' overwriting it (default is false) ' ' - Delimiter : what separator to use (default is the coma) ' ' - QuoteString : Whether string and memo fields should be quoted ' ' (default yes) ' ' - IncludeHeader: Whether a header with the field names should be the first ' ' line (default no) ' ' Some limitations and improvements: ' ' - Memo containing line returns will break the CSV ' ' - better formatting for numbers, dates, etc ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Public Sub ExportQueryToCSV(Query As String, _ FilePath As String, _ Optional AppendToFile As Boolean = False, _ Optional Delimiter As String = ",", _ Optional QuoteStrings As Boolean = True, _ Optional IncludeHeader As Boolean = True) Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.RecordSet Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(Query, dbOpenSnapshot) If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then Dim intFile As Integer ' Open the file, either as a new file or in append mode as required ' intFile = FreeFile() If AppendToFile And (Len(Dir(FilePath, vbNormal)) > 0) Then Open FilePath For Append As #intFile Else Open FilePath For Output As #intFile End If With rs Dim fieldbound As Long, i As Long Dim record As String Dim field As DAO.field fieldbound = .Fields.count - 1 ' Print the header if required ' If IncludeHeader Then Dim header As String For i = 0 To fieldbound header = header & .Fields(i).Name If i < fieldbound Then header = header & Delimiter End If Next i Print #intFile, header End If ' print each record' Do While Not .EOF record = "" For i = 0 To fieldbound Set field = .Fields(i) If ((field.Type = dbText) Or (field.Type = dbMemo)) And QuoteStrings Then record = record & """" & Nz(.Fields(i).value, "") & """" Else record = record & Nz(.Fields(i).value) End If If i < fieldbound Then record = record & Delimiter End If Set field = Nothing Next i Print #intFile, record .MoveNext Loop .Close End With Set rs = Nothing Close #intFile End If Set rs = Nothing Set db = Nothing End Sub

Bemærk, at det ikke er perfekt, og du skal muligvis tilpasse koden, så den afspejler, hvordan du ønsker, at dataene skal formateres, men standardindstillingerne burde være i orden i de fleste tilfælde.

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