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Find ud af, om en tabel har en DELETE på CASCADE

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-- This query will list all constraints, their delete rule, -- the constraint table/column list, and the referenced table SELECT r.CONSTRAINT_NAME, r.DELETE_RULE, r.TABLE_NAME, GROUP_CONCAT(k.COLUMN_NAME SEPARATOR ', ') AS `constraint columns`, r.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS r JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k USING (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, CONSTRAINT_NAME) -- using MySQL's GROUP BY clause. In other DB's more columns would need to be -- specified! GROUP BY r.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, r.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, r.CONSTRAINT_NAME

Læs mere om REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS tabel i manualen

  1. Forskellen mellem MySQL ER IKKE NULL og !=''

  2. Hvordan returnerer man forskellige værdier og deres antal?

  3. Opret en SQL Server-database med Azure Data Studio

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