sql >> Database teknologi >  >> RDS >> Sqlserver

Overførsel af datatabel fra C# til SQL Server 2008

Du manglede a.TypeName ="dbo.TableTypeInitial";Sæt denne erklæring før "a.SqlDbType =SqlDbType.Structured;"


cmd.CommandText = "EXEC FinishRegisterChoiceUserInitial @UserId, @TableTypeInitial "; 

i stedet for

cmd.CommandText = "EXEC FinishRegisterChoiceUserInitial @UserId, @CurrentTableInitial "; 

Sql Server Scripts:

CREATE TABLE [Target] ( [ID] [int] NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, [FirstName] [varchar](100)NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](100)NOT NULL, [Email] [varchar](200) NOT NULL ) CREATE TYPE [TargetUDT] AS TABLE ( [FirstName] [varchar](100)NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](100)NOT NULL, [Email] [varchar](200) NOT NULL ) CREATE PROCEDURE AddToTarget(@TargetUDT TargetUDT READONLY) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO [Target] SELECT * FROM @TargetUDT END


public static void StartProcess()
            //Create a local data table to hold customer records
            DataTable dtCustomers = new DataTable("Customers");
            DataColumn dcFirstName = new DataColumn("FirstName", typeof(string));
            DataColumn dcLastName = new DataColumn("LastName", typeof(string));
            DataColumn dcEmail = new DataColumn("Email", typeof(string));
            //Add customer 1
            DataRow drCustomer = dtCustomers.NewRow();
            drCustomer["FirstName"] = "AAA";
            drCustomer["LastName"] = "XYZ";
            drCustomer["Email"] = "[email protected]";
            //Add customer 2
            drCustomer = dtCustomers.NewRow();
            drCustomer["FirstName"] = "BBB";
            drCustomer["LastName"] = "XYZ";
            drCustomer["Email"] = "[email protected]";
            //Add customer 3
            drCustomer = dtCustomers.NewRow();
            drCustomer["FirstName"] = "CCC";
            drCustomer["LastName"] = "XYZ";
            drCustomer["Email"] = "[email protected]";
            //Create Connection object to connect to server/database
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConStr);
            //Create a command object that calls the stored procedure
            SqlCommand cmdCustomer = new SqlCommand("AddToTarget", conn);
            cmdCustomer.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            //Create a parameter using the new SQL DB type viz. Structured to pass as table value parameter
            SqlParameter paramCustomer = cmdCustomer.Parameters.Add("@TargetUDT", SqlDbType.Structured);
            paramCustomer.Value = dtCustomers;
            //Execute the query

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