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sails.js Blueprint-forespørgsel efter relationer

Jeg tror ikke, at det er muligt med SailsJS 0.10.5 lige nu. Faktisk ville jeg gerne gøre det samme, så jeg besluttede at implementere et hurtigt hack til dette formål.

Åbn filen sails/lib/hooks/blueprints/actionUtil.js , redigeringsmetode populateEach som nedenfor:

populateEach: function ( query, req ) {
    var DEFAULT_POPULATE_LIMIT = sails.config.blueprints.defaultLimit || 30;
    var _options = req.options;
    var aliasFilter = req.param('populate');
    var shouldPopulate = _options.populate;

    // Convert the string representation of the filter list to an Array. We
    // need this to provide flexibility in the request param. This way both
    // list string representations are supported:
    //   /model?populate=alias1,alias2,alias3
    //   /model?populate=[alias1,alias2,alias3]
    if (typeof aliasFilter === 'string') {
        aliasFilter = aliasFilter.replace(/\[|\]/g, '');
        aliasFilter = (aliasFilter) ? aliasFilter.split(',') : [];

    return _(_options.associations).reduce(function populateEachAssociation (query, association) {        
        // If an alias filter was provided, override the blueprint config.
        if (aliasFilter) {
            shouldPopulate = _.contains(aliasFilter, association.alias);

        // Only populate associations if a population filter has been supplied
        // with the request or if `populate` is set within the blueprint config.
        // Population filters will override any value stored in the config.
        // Additionally, allow an object to be specified, where the key is the
        // name of the association attribute, and value is true/false
        // (true to populate, false to not)
        if (shouldPopulate) {
            // IMPORTANT NOTE: This is my trick. We should take advanced options from request parameter to make requests even more flexible
            var populationOptions = req.param('populate_' + association.alias);

            if (!populationOptions) {
                var populationLimit = _options['populate_' + association.alias+'_limit'] ||
                                      _options.populate_limit ||
                                      _options.limit ||
                populationOptions = {limit: populationLimit};

            return query.populate(association.alias, populationOptions);
        else { 
            return query;
    }, query);

Yay! Nu kan din API håndtere yderligere tilknytningsfiltre som nedenfor:

# POST /api/documents
    "where" : {
        // Normal conditions
    "populate_user": {
        // Advanced condition for association 'admin'
        "where" : {
            "role" : {
                 "like": "%Admin%"
        "limit" : 4    

Jeg håber, at det hjælper. Jeg vil i øvrigt finde tid til at sende en pull-anmodning om denne forbedring til SailsJS-kernen i morgen.

P/S:SailsJS kerne er ret godt lavet. Sandsynligvis har kerneformidlere bare for travlt til at håndtere alle funktionsanmodninger. Lad os bidrage!

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