Scoring er baseret på antallet af stammede kampe, men der er også en indbygget koefficient, som justerer scoren for kampe i forhold til den samlede feltlængde (med stopord fjernet). Hvis din længere tekst indeholder mere relevante ord til en forespørgsel, vil dette føje til scoren. Længere tekst, der ikke matcher en forespørgsel, vil reducere scoren.
Uddrag fra MongoDB 3.2 kildekode på GitHub (src/mongo/db/fts/fts_spec.cpp ):
for (ScoreHelperMap::const_iterator i = terms.begin(); i != terms.end(); ++i) {
const string& term = i->first;
const ScoreHelperStruct& data = i->second;
// in order to adjust weights as a function of term count as it
// relates to total field length. ie. is this the only word or
// a frequently occuring term? or does it only show up once in
// a long block of text?
double coeff = (0.5 * data.count / numTokens) + 0.5;
// if term is identical to the raw form of the
// field (untokenized) give it a small boost.
double adjustment = 1;
if (raw.size() == term.length() && raw.equalCaseInsensitive(term))
adjustment += 0.1;
double& score = (*docScores)[term];
score += (weight * data.freq * coeff * adjustment);
verify(score <= MAX_WEIGHT);
Opsætning af nogle testdata for at se effekten af længdekoefficienten på et meget simpelt eksempel:
{ headline: "Rock" },
{ headline: "Rocks" },
{ headline: "Rock paper" },
{ headline: "Rock paper scissors" },
db.articles.createIndex({ "headline": "text"})
{ $text: { $search: "rock" }},
{ _id:0, headline:1, score: { $meta: "textScore" }}
).sort({ score: { $meta: "textScore" }})
Kommenterede resultater:
// Exact match of raw term to indexed field
// Coefficent is 1, plus 0.1 bonus for identical match of raw term
"headline": "Rock",
"score": 1.1
// Match of stemmed term to indexed field ("rocks" stems to "rock")
// Coefficent is 1
"headline": "Rocks",
"score": 1
// Two terms, one matching
// Coefficient is 0.75: (0.5 * 1 match / 2 terms) + 0.5
"headline": "Rock paper",
"score": 0.75
// Three terms, one matching
// Coefficient is 0.66: (0.5 * 1 match / 3 terms) + 0.5
"headline": "Rock paper scissors",
"score": 0.6666666666666666