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Powershell Mongodb-godkendelse

Her er et uddrag af MongoDb-godkendelse fra Powershell.

Jeg bruger her MongoDB C# driver (se her )

# Mongo DB driver
Add-Type -Path 'C:\Path_To_mongocsharpdriver\mongocsharpdriver.1.9.2\lib\net35\MongoDB.Bson.dll'
Add-Type -Path 'C:\Path_To_mongocsharpdriver\mongocsharpdriver.1.9.2\lib\net35\MongoDB.Driver.dll'

# Connexion to MongoDB
$connectionString = "mongodb://user1:[email protected]"
$db =  "MyDBName"
$collection =  "MyCollectionName"

function Get-MongoDBCollection ($connectionString, $db, $collection)
  $mongoClient = New-Object MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient($connectionString)
  $mongoServer = $mongoClient.GetServer()
  $mongoDatabase = $mongoServer.GetDatabase($db)
  $mongoCollection = $mongoDatabase.GetCollection($collection)
  return $mongoCollection

$FileName = $args[0]
# get the file name 
$FileNameLeaf = Split-Path $FileName -Leaf

# Connect to MongoDB and get collection
$mongoCollection = Get-MongoDBCollection $connectionString $db $collection

# Verify if this file is integrated
$query = New-Object MongoDB.Driver.QueryDocument('Fic_Data', $FileNameLeaf)
$found = $mongoCollection.FindOne($query)
if ($found -ne $null)
  Write-Host "`tThe file $FileNameLeaf is integrated !"

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  2. Lagring null vs slet ikke at gemme nøglen i MongoDB

  3. Er mongodb-underdokumenter svarende til Firestore-undersamlinger?

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