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Mongo DB-fejl:ugyldig operator:$search ved $tekstsøgning

I mongo 2.6+ $text fungerer som følger:

db.collection.insert({desc: "This is a string with text"});
db.collection.insert({desc:"This is a another string with Text"});
db.collection.insert({desc:"This is a another string with ext"});

Dette vil give output som:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("553277a608b85f33165bf3e0"),
 "desc" : "This is a another string with Text" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5532779f08b85f33165bf3df"), 
"desc" : "This is a string with text" }

Også hvis du bruger mongo version 2.4, så brug følgende:

 db.collection.runCommand( "desc", { search: "Text"})

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  2. Lagring af array med Doctrine og MongoDB

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