Du kan gøre det med geoNear-aggregation . I spring-data-mongodb GeoNearOperation repræsenterer denne sammenlægning.
Udvid eller opret arv Place
klasse med felt, hvor du gerne vil have afstandsoplysninger (eksempel med arv):
public class PlaceWithDistance extends Place {
private double distance;
public double getDistance() {
return distance;
public void setDistance(final double distance) {
this.distance = distance;
I stedet for Criteria
med Query
bruge aggregering. Andet argument for geoNear
er navnet på det felt, hvor afstanden skal indstilles:
final NearQuery nearQuery = NearQuery
.near(new Point(searchRequest.getLat(), searchRequest.getLng()));
nearQuery.spherical(true); // if using 2dsphere index, otherwise delete or set false
// "distance" argument is name of field for distance
final Aggregation a = newAggregation(geoNear(nearQuery, "distance"));
final AggregationResults<PlaceWithDistance> results =
mongoTemplate.aggregate(a, Place.class, PlaceWithDistance.class);
// results.forEach(System.out::println);
List<PlaceWithDistance> ls = results.getMappedResults();
Bare for at gøre det nemmere - tilhørende importer:
import static org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.Aggregation.geoNear;
import static org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.Aggregation.newAggregation;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.Aggregation;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationResults;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.GeoNearOperation;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.NearQuery;