Dette burde bringe dig ret langt. Den er fuldstændig utestet, så læs venligst koden, forstå den og foretag de nødvendige ændringer for at få den til at fungere.
Jeg har fjernet function
og indlejret al koden i løkken i stedet, var funktionen for omfangsrig til min smag. Nu burde du kunne se mere klart, hvad der foregår.
Faktisk er det nøjagtig den samme kode to gange, med et lille ekstra trin, der tilføjer selvreferencer, så du kan forespørge hvert produkt via dets primære ID og og dets sekundære ID'er på samme måde, som diskuteret i kommentarerne.
$connectionString = "Data Source=Apps2\Apps2;Initial Catalog=ICECAT;Integrated Security=SSPI"
$batchSize = 50000
# set up [files_index] datatable & read schema from DB
$files_index_table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$files_index_adapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM files_index WHERE 0 = 1", $connectionString)
$files_index_adapter.Fill($files_index_table) | Out-Null
$files_index_bcp = New-Object SqlBulkCopy($connectionString)
$files_index_bcp.DestinationTableName = "dbo.files_index"
$files_index_count = 0
# set up [product_ids] datatable & read schema from DB
$product_ids_table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$product_ids_adapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM product_ids WHERE 0 = 1", $connectionString)
$product_ids_adapter.Fill($product_ids_table) | Out-Null
$product_ids_bcp = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy($connectionString)
$product_ids_bcp.DestinationTableName = "dbo.product_ids"
$product_ids_count = 0
# main import loop
$xmlReader = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextReader("C:\Scripts\icecat\files.index.xml")
while ($xmlReader.Read()) {
# skip any XML nodes that aren't elements
if ($xmlReader.NodeType -ne [System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::Element) { continue }
# handle <file> elements
if ($xmlReader.Name -eq "file") {
# remember current product ID, we'll need it when we hit the next <M_Prod_ID> element
$curr_product_id = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Product_ID")
$is_new_file = $true
$newRow = $files_index_table.NewRow()
$newRow["Product_ID"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Product_ID")
$newRow["path"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("path")
$newRow["Updated"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Updated")
$newRow["Quality"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Quality")
$newRow["Supplier_id"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Supplier_id")
$newRow["Prod_ID"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Prod_ID")
$newRow["Catid"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Catid")
$newRow["On_Market"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("On_Market")
$newRow["Model_Name"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Model_Name")
$newRow["Product_View"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Product_View")
$newRow["HighPic"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("HighPic")
$newRow["HighPicSize"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("HighPicSize")
$newRow["HighPicWifiles_index_tableh"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("HighPicWifiles_index_tableh")
$newRow["HighPicHeight"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("HighPicHeight")
$newRow["Date_Added"] = $xmlReader.GetAttribute("Date_Added")
$files_index_table.Rows.Add($newRow) | Out-Null
if ($files_index_table.Rows.Count -eq $batchSize) {
Write-Host "$files_index_count <file> elements processed so far"
# handle <M_Prod_ID> elements
} elseif ($xmlReader.Name -eq "M_Prod_ID") {
# add self-reference row to the [product_ids] table
# only for the first <M_Prod_ID> per <file> we need to do this
if ($is_new_file) {
$newRow = $product_ids_table.NewRow()
$newRow["Product_ID"] = $curr_product_id # from above
$newRow["Alternative_ID"] = $curr_product_id
$product_ids_table.Rows.Add($newRow) | Out-Null
$is_new_file = $false
$newRow = $product_ids_table.NewRow()
$newRow["Product_ID"] = $curr_product_id # from above
$newRow["Alternative_ID"] = $xmlReader.Value
$product_ids_table.Rows.Add($newRow) | Out-Null
if ($product_ids_table.Rows.Count -eq $batchSize) {
Write-Host "$product_ids_count <M_Prod_ID> elements processed so far"
# write any remaining rows to the server
if ($files_index_table.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "$files_index_count <file> elements processed overall"
if ($product_ids_table.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "$product_ids_count <M_Prod_ID> elements processed overall"