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Hvordan kopierer man et tabelskema og begrænsninger til en tabel i en anden database?

Selvfølgelig er det 2 år senere, men ville gerne bidrage med en løsning. Denne procedure kopierer en tabel til "BackUp_<ÅÅÅÅMMDD>_ og dens primære nøglebegrænsning. Den omgiver tabelnavnet med jokertegn "%" for at tillade kopiering af en gruppe af tabeller. Jeg flytter kun primær nøgle, fordi der ikke er afhængighed af andre tabeller, derfor mindre hovedpine. Også ingen markører!

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Admin_CopyTable
     @TableName NVARCHAR(255)

    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.

    -- is there any work to do?
    IF NOT (isNull(@TableName,'')='')
        -- Get list of all tables that match the @TableName wildcard
        DECLARE @tables TABLE (id BIGINT IDENTITY(1,1), [name] NVARCHAR(255)) -- using id as means to avoid cursor
        INSERT INTO @tables SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE '%' + @TableName + '%' AND table_name NOT LIKE 'BackUp_%' ORDER BY table_name

        -- Go through each table and copy it
        DECLARE @row BIGINT;
        DECLARE @thisTable AS NVARCHAR(255);
        DECLARE @dSQL  NVARCHAR(4000);      -- holds the SQL string to execute and copy table data
        DECLARE @TablePrefix NVARCHAR(255); -- Name that is prepended before the name of the actual table to show it is a backup table

        -- set default prefix by adding todays date to the table name
        SELECT @TablePrefix = 'BackUp_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), GetDate(), 112) + '_'; -- Date as YYYYMMDD

        -- Get first row for looping through list of tables
        SELECT @row = MIN(id) FROM @tables;

        WHILE (isNull(@row, 0) <> 0)    -- returns null when no more rows, which gets converted to 0 (zero)
            SELECT @thisTable = [name] FROM @tables where id = @row

            IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name like @TablePrefix + @thisTable)
                SET @dSQL = 'Select * Into ' + @TablePrefix + @thisTable + ' from ' + @thisTable;
                EXEC (@dSQL)
                PRINT @TablePrefix + @thisTable + ': Data Backed up.'

                -- Copy the Primary Key into the Backup table
                    -- Get list of all the columns that make up the Primary Key
                    -- for composite PK's = one row per pk column
                    DECLARE @PKColsTbl table ([name] NVARCHAR(255), col NVARCHAR(255))

                    INSERT INTO @PKColsTbl
                    SELECT  c.Constraint_Name, c.COLUMN_NAME  
                           ,INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE c 
                    WHERE   pk.TABLE_NAME = @thisTable 
                        and CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' 
                        and c.TABLE_NAME = pk.TABLE_NAME 
                        and c.CONSTRAINT_NAME = pk.CONSTRAINT_NAME 

                    -- Transpose rows into one column as a comma delimeted string
                    DECLARE @pkCol NVARCHAR(255);
                    SELECT @pkCol = stuff((select ',' + col from @PKColsTbl for XML PATH('')), 1,1,'')

                    -- Build the dynamic SQL statement and execute it
                    SET @dSQL = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @TablePrefix + @thisTable + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + 'PK_' + @TablePrefix + @thisTable + ' PRIMARY KEY (' + @pkCol + ')'
                    EXEC (@dSQL)
                    PRINT @TablePrefix + @thisTable + ': PK Created.'

                    -- Since its a loop, clear out the table
                    DELETE FROM @PKColsTbl
                -- END of Copying the Primary Key

                PRINT @TablePrefix + @thisTable + ': Exists!'

            -- Get next row
            SELECT @row = min(id) FROM @tables WHERE id > @row

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