sql >> Database teknologi >  >> RDS >> PostgreSQL

Postgres delt streng med dobbelte anførselstegn til flere rækker?

location streng ligner en tekstarray. Konverter den til text[] og unnest:

with my_data(id, location) as (
    (1, '["Humboldt, TN","Medina, TN","Milan, TN"]')

select id, unnest(format('{%s}', trim(location, '[]'))::text[]) as location
from my_data

 id |   location   
  1 | Humboldt, TN
  1 | Medina, TN
  1 | Milan, TN
(3 rows)

Eller endnu enklere, cast strengen til jsonb og brug jsonb_array_elements_text() :

with my_data(id, location) as (
    (1, '["Humboldt, TN","Medina, TN","Milan, TN"]')

select id, jsonb_array_elements_text(location::jsonb) as location
from my_data


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