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ved at bruge postgresql gem async

pg biblioteket giver fuld support til PostgreSQL's asynkrone API. Jeg har tilføjet et eksempel hvordan man bruger det til samples/ mappe:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'pg'

# This is a example of how to use the asynchronous API to query the
# server without blocking other threads. It's intentionally low-level;
# if you hooked up the PGconn#socket to some kind of reactor, you
# could make this much nicer.

TIMEOUT = 5.0 # seconds to wait for an async operation to complete
    :host     => 'localhost',
    :dbname   => 'test',
    :user     => 'jrandom',
    :password => 'banks!stealUR$',

# Print 'x' continuously to demonstrate that other threads aren't
# blocked while waiting for the connection, for the query to be sent,
# for results, etc. You might want to sleep inside the loop or 
# comment this out entirely for cleaner output.
progress_thread = Thread.new { loop { print 'x' } }

# Output progress messages
def output_progress( msg )
    puts "\n>>> #{msg}\n"

# Start the connection
output_progress "Starting connection..."
conn = PGconn.connect_start( CONN_OPTS ) or 
    abort "Unable to create a new connection!"
abort "Connection failed: %s" % [ conn.error_message ] if
    conn.status == PGconn::CONNECTION_BAD

# Now grab a reference to the underlying socket so we know when the
# connection is established
socket = IO.for_fd( conn.socket )

# Track the progress of the connection, waiting for the socket to 
# become readable/writable before polling it
poll_status = PGconn::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING
until poll_status == PGconn::PGRES_POLLING_OK ||
      poll_status == PGconn::PGRES_POLLING_FAILED

    # If the socket needs to read, wait 'til it becomes readable to
    # poll again
    case poll_status
        output_progress "  waiting for socket to become readable"
        select( [socket], nil, nil, TIMEOUT ) or
            raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!"

    # ...and the same for when the socket needs to write
        output_progress "  waiting for socket to become writable"
        select( nil, [socket], nil, TIMEOUT ) or
            raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!"

    # Output a status message about the progress
    case conn.status
        output_progress "  waiting for connection to be made."
    when PGconn::CONNECTION_MADE
        output_progress "  connection OK; waiting to send."
        output_progress "  waiting for a response from the server."
        output_progress "  received authentication; waiting for " +
                        "backend start-up to finish."
        output_progress "  negotiating SSL encryption."
        output_progress "  negotiating environment-driven " +
                        "parameter settings."

    # Check to see if it's finished or failed yet
    poll_status = conn.connect_poll

abort "Connect failed: %s" % [ conn.error_message ] unless 
    conn.status == PGconn::CONNECTION_OK

output_progress "Sending query"
conn.send_query( "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity" )

# Fetch results until there aren't any more
loop do
    output_progress "  waiting for a response"

    # Buffer any incoming data on the socket until a full result 
    # is ready. 
    while conn.is_busy
        select( [socket], nil, nil, TIMEOUT ) or
            raise "Timeout waiting for query response."

    # Fetch the next result. If there isn't one, the query is 
    # finished
    result = conn.get_result or break

    puts "\n\nQuery result:\n%p\n" % [ result.values ]

output_progress "Done."

if defined?( progress_thread )

Jeg vil anbefale, at du læser dokumentationen på PQconnectStart funktionen og asynkron kommandobehandling afsnittet i PostgreSQL-manualen, og sammenlign det med eksemplet ovenfor.

Jeg har ikke brugt EventMachine før, men hvis den giver dig mulighed for at registrere en socket og tilbagekald til, hvornår den bliver læsbar/skrivbar, ville jeg tro, at det ville være ret nemt at integrere databasekald i den.

Jeg har tænkt mig at bruge ideerne i Ilya Grigoriks artikel om brug af fibre til at rydde op i hændt kode for at gøre async API nemmere at bruge, men det er langt væk. Jeg har en billet åben at spore det, hvis du er interesseret/motiveret til at gøre det selv.

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