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Rails 3.1 - Pushing to Heroku - Fejl ved installation af postgres adapter?

Mulighed 1:

Tilføj pg til din Gemfile men spring over at prøve at installere det lokalt.

$ cat Gemfile
group :production do
  # gems specifically for Heroku go here
  gem "pg"

# Skip attempting to install the pg gem
$ bundle install --without production

Mulighed 2 (Debian/Ubuntu):

Tilføj pg til din Gemfile men installer først forudsætningerne.

$ cat Gemfile
group :production do
  # gems specifically for Heroku go here
  gem "pg"

# Install the pg gem's dependencies first
$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
# Then install the pg gem along with all the other gems
$ bundle install

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