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Opfølgning Q:Sammenlign rækker i Oracle Table og opdater matchende rækker

update your_table
   set status='Matched'
 where id in(
    with IDS(id1,id2,grp,num,rnum) as(
     select a.id,b.id,
            rank() over(order by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity),
            case when a.id=lag(a.id) over(partition by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity order by a.id)
            then 0
            else dense_rank() over(partition by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity order by a.id) end,
            row_number() over(partition by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity order by a.id)
       from your_table a, your_table b
      where a.tdate=b.tdate and a.price=b.price and a.product=b.product 
        and a.quantity=b.quantity
        and a.buysell='Sell' and b.buysell='Buy' and a.description!=b.description
    Q(id1,id2,grp,num,used) as(
      select id1,id2,grp,num,','||id2||','
        from IDS where rnum=1
      union all
      select I.id1,R.column_value,Q.grp,Q.num+1,Q.used||R.column_value||','
        from Q, IDS I,
                select min(id2) id from IDS N
                 where N.id1=I.id1
                   and Q.used not like '%,'||N.id2||',%'
             ) as sys.ODCINumberList)) R
       where I.grp=Q.grp and I.num=Q.num+1
 select decode(X,1,id1,id2)
   from Q,
        (select 1 X from DUAL union all select 2 from DUAL)
  where id2 is not null

  1. Gruppekonkat resultater afskåret

  2. SQL vælg alle, hvis parameteren er null, ellers returnerer den specifikke vare

  3. Hvordan får man en gennemsnitlig bedømmelse pr. produkt ved hjælp af codeigniter-forespørgsel?

  4. Opdeling på et budget