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Rollback databaseændringer ved hjælp af implicitte lagringspunkter? - Oracle

Du kan bruge et SAVEPOINT som beskrevet på Sådan forpligter du, TILBAGE Oracle-transaktioner a> .

Her er SAVEPOINT-uddraget fra det...


Specify a point in a transaction to which later you can roll back.


insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (109,’Sami’,3000);
savepoint a;
insert into dept values (10,’Sales’,’Hyd’);
savepoint b;
insert into salgrade values (‘III’,9000,12000);

Now if you give

rollback to a;

Then  row from salgrade table and dept will be roll backed. Now you can commit the row inserted into emp table or rollback the transaction.

If you give

rollback to b;

Then row inserted into salgrade table will be roll backed. Now you can commit the row inserted into dept table and emp table or rollback to savepoint a or completely roll backed the transaction.

If you give


Then the whole transactions is roll backed.

If you give


Then the whole transaction is committed and all savepoints are removed.

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