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Hvordan sorterer man et associativt array i PL/SQL?

Du kan ikke sortere et associativt array efter værdier, men du skal konvertere dataene til en anden datastruktur og foretage sorteringen der. Den nemmeste måde ville have været at konvertere til et andet associativt array, hvor nøgler og værdier bytter plads, men det kræver, at dine nøgleværdier også skal være unikke.

Nedenfor er et eksempel tilpasset din sag fra Sortering af PL/SQL-samlinger . Se venligst artiklen for detaljer.

/* The sorting is done with SQL thus these types have to be SQL types. */

create type sortable_t is object(
  continent varchar2(32767),
  population number

create type sortable_table_t is table of sortable_t;

  type continent_population_t is table of pls_integer index by varchar2(32767);
  continent_population continent_population_t;

  i varchar2(32767);

  sorted sortable_table_t := sortable_table_t();
  /* Populate original data. */

  continent_population('Australia') := 30;
  continent_population('Antarctica') := 90;
  continent_population('UK') := 50;
  continent_population('USA') := 50;

  /* Convert to a helper data type that is used for sorting. */

  i := continent_population.first;

  while i is not null loop
    sorted(sorted.last) := new sortable_t(i, continent_population(i));
    i := continent_population.next(i);
  end loop;

  /* Show that the content is not sorted yet. */

  for j in sorted.first .. sorted.last loop
    dbms_output.put_line(sorted(j).continent || ' = ' || sorted(j).population);
  end loop;

  /* Sorting with SQL. */

  select cast(multiset(select *
                       from table(sorted)
                       order by 2 asc, 1 asc)
              as sortable_table_t)
    into sorted
    from dual;

  /* Show that the content is now sorted. */

  dbms_output.put_line('Sorted by value:');
  for j in sorted.first .. sorted.last loop
    dbms_output.put_line(sorted(j).continent || ' = ' || sorted(j).population);
  end loop;



Antarctica = 90
Australia = 30
UK = 50
USA = 50
Sorted by value:
Australia = 30
UK = 50
USA = 50
Antarctica = 90

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