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Oracle Konverter TIMESTAMP med Timezone til DATE

to_timestamp_tz() funktion med at time zone klausul kan bruges til at konvertere din streng literal til en værdi af timestamp with time zone datatype:

SQL> with t1(tm) as(
  2    select '2013-11-08T10:11:31+02:00' from dual
  3  )
  4  select to_timestamp_tz(tm, 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss TZH:TZM')
  5           at time zone '+4:00'         as this_way
  6       , to_timestamp_tz(tm, 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss TZH:TZM')
  7           at time zone 'Europe/Moscow' as or_this_way
  8    from t1
  9  /


THIS_WAY                            OR_THIS_WAY
2013-11-08 12.11.31 PM +04:00       2013-11-08 12.11.31 PM EUROPE/MOSCOW

Og så bruger vi cast() funktion til at producere en værdi af date datatype:

with t1(tm) as(
  select '2013-11-08T10:11:31+02:00' from dual
select cast(to_timestamp_tz(tm, 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss TZH:TZM') 
         at time zone '+4:00' as date)   as this_way  
     , cast(to_timestamp_tz(tm, 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss TZH:TZM') 
         at time zone 'Europe/Moscow' as date) as or_this_way
  from t1

This_Way             Or_This_Way 
2013-11-08 12:11:31  2013-11-08 12:11:31 

Find ud af mere om tidszoneklausulen og to_timestamp_tz()-funktionen.

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