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MongoDB Java - Skub til et indlejret array?

Du kan referere til arrayet i underdokumentet "niveau1" ved hjælp af punktnotation. Så i stedet for at oprette indlejrede DBO-objekter, som du har gjort, skal du blot bruge:

coll.update(entry, new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("level1.arr1", "val2")));

Jeg skrev en test for at vise, at dette virker:

public void shouldPushANewValueOntoANesstedArray() throws UnknownHostException {
    final MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
    final DBCollection coll = mongoClient.getDB("TheDatabase").getCollection("TheCollection");

    //Inserting the array into the database
    final BasicDBList array = new BasicDBList();

    final BasicDBObject entry = new BasicDBObject("level1", new BasicDBObject("arr1", array));

    // results in:
    // { "_id" : ObjectId("51a4cfdd3004a84dde78d79c"), "level1" : { "arr1" : [ "val1" ] } }

    //do the update
    coll.update(entry, new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("level1.arr1", "val2")));
    // results in:
    // { "_id" : ObjectId("51a4cfdd3004a84dde78d79c"), "level1" : { "arr1" : [ "val1", "val2" ] } }

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