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MongoDB samlet returneringsantal på 0, hvis ingen dokumenter

Ansvarsfraskrivelse:Jeg anbefaler ikke at gøre dette på serversiden (altså inde i MongoDB), men i stedet håndtere denne sag på klientsiden.

Når det er sagt, er her en generisk løsning på dit problem, som let skal kunne tilpasses til dit specifikke tilfælde.

Forestil dig, at du har følgende dokumenter (eller output fra en aggregeringspipeline som i dit eksempel):

    "category" : 1
    "category" : 1
// note the missing { category: 2 } document here
    "category" : 3

Følgende pipeline vil skabe tomme buckets (så dokumenter med et antal på 0 for "gab"-værdierne, der mangler fra rækken af ​​værdier i category felt - i dette tilfælde tallet 2):

var bucketSize = 1;

    $group: {
        _id: null, // throw all documents into the same bucket
        "min": { $min: "$category" }, // just to calculate the lowest
        "max": { $max: "$category" }, // and the highest "category" value 
        "docs": { $push: "$$ROOT" } // and also keep the root documents
}, {
    $addFields: {
        "docs": { // modify the existing docs array - created in the previous stage
            $concatArrays: [ // by concatenating
                "$docs", // the existing docs array
                    $map: { // with some other array that will be generated
                        input: {
                            $range: [ "$min", "$max", bucketSize ] // based on the min and max values and the bucket size
                        as: "this",
                        in: { // but represented not as a plain number but as a document that effectively creates a bogus document
                            "category": "$$this", // the bogus category will be set to the respective value
                            "bogus": 1 // marker that allows us not to count this document in the next stage and still get a bucket from $group
}, {
    $unwind: "$docs" // flatten the "docs" array which will now contain the bogus documents, too
}, {
    $group: {
        _id: "$docs.category", // group by category
        "count": { // this is the result we are interested in
            $sum: { // which will be aggregated by calculating the sum for each document of
                $cond: [ // either 0 or 1 per document
                    { $eq: [ "$docs.bogus", 1 ] }, // depending on whether the document should count as a result or not

Outputtet af ovenstående forespørgsel vil være:

    "_id" : 2,
    "count" : 0.0 // this is what we wanted to achieve
    "_id" : 3,
    "count" : 1.0 // correct number of matches
    "_id" : 1,
    "count" : 2.0 // correct number of matches

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