Jeg ved, at dette er gammelt, men det tog mig et stykke tid at finde svaret, og dette spørgsmål rangerer højt på google.
Jeg fandt følgende kode og ændrede den:
INSERT IGNORE INTO my_table VALUES (1,1), (1,2), (1,3);
DELETE FROM my_table WHERE c1 NOT IN (1,2,3) AND my_table = 1;
Kildekodens oprindelse: -update-a-junction-table/
Min kode, som jeg har ændret til at bruge med PHP-variabler og PDO-løkker:
$a_id = $my_main_id //this would be c1 in the above question
//Set Variable From Post
$var_1 = isset($_POST['var_1']) ? $_POST['var_1'] : '';
$var_2 = isset($_POST['var_2']) ? $_POST['var_2'] : '';
//etc, etc, etc
//put variables into array
$data = array('var_1'=>$var_1, 'var_2'=>$var_2, 'var_3'=>$var_3, 'var_4'=>$var_4, 'tarp_5'=>$tarp_5);
//get count of variable that contain data and not empty
$data_array_count = 0;
foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
if($value != '') {
$data_array_count = ++$data_array_count;
//if contains atleast one variable run update code
if($data_array_count != 0) {
//loops through and inserts each varible in array
foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
//ignores variables without any data
if($value != '') {
$insert = $db->prepare("INSERT IGNORE my_table (a_id, b_id) VALUES (:a_id, :b_id)");
$insert->execute(array(':a_id' => $a_id,
':b_id' => $value ));
//sets up variables in array to remove any records that need to be deleted
$columns = "";
$holders = "";
foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
if($value != '') {
$columns .= ($columns == "") ? "" : ", ";
$columns .= $column;
$holders .= ($holders == "") ? "" : ", ";
$holders .= ":$column";
$delete = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM my_table WHERE accessory_id NOT IN ($holders) AND (carrier_id = :a_id)");
//bind value for main id
$delete->bindValue(":a_id", $a_id);
//loop to bind value for each variable stored in array with data
foreach($data as $placeholder => $value) {
if($value != '') {
$delete->bindValue(":" . $placeholder, $value);
Ved at bruge eksemplet fra det oprindelige spørgsmål skal du køre denne kode for hver c1
id-nummer, som du ønskede at opdatere (c1
ville svare til $a_id
variabel i mit eksempel).