Serialization can be attempted or can be a good approach to store user settings
or preferences – you only really need to store the settings that differ from the
default values.
Serialization is good approach for just storing and getting back data
not for
searching on the serialized column or update individual value in the column.
If you want to just store and update user settings as on change and just
deserialize nothing from php and nothing to do with the values in the column
much specifically. Go for Serialization.
It can in no ways help you maintain
relationship with serialized data. The moment you require to make the data
serialized meaningful or relational. You need to
Hvis applikationen virkelig er skemaløs og har en masse valgfri parametre, der ikke vises i hver post, kan det være en bedre idé at serialisere dataene i én kolonne end at have mange ekstra kolonner, der er NULL.
Dette vil svar på dit spørgsmål
Du skal passe på:
1) Hvis du konstant laver små opdateringer til ét stykke data i en meget stor klat, øges den indsats, MySQL skal gå til, markant.
2) tab af funktionalitet:Jeg tror, du behøver det ikke til brugerindstillinger.