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Kompliceret fodboldliga Dynamisk bestilling i MySQL?

Lad os gøre det trin for trin:

Vælg de vundne kampe hjemme og scoren hjemme:

   SELECT COUNT(*) as wins, SUM(G.home_score) as score FROM games G WHERE 
      G.team_id = T.team_id #See 3. query and you'll understand
      G.home_score > away_score

Lad os kalde dette resultat HOME_GAMES.

Vælg de vundne kampe og resultatet af udekampe:

SELECT COUNT(*) as wins, SUM(G.away_score) as score FROM games G
  G.team_id = T.team_id #See 3. query and you'll understand
  G.away_score > G.home_score

Lad os kalde dette resultat AWAY_GAMES.

Vælg de samlede vundne spil og den samlede score:

   SELECT (A.wins + H.wins) AS total_wins, (A.score + H.score) AS total_score FROM
   ORDER BY total_wins, total_score

==> Sæt det hele sammen ved at erstatte AWAY_GAMES og HOME_GAMES:

SELECT (A.wins + H.wins) AS total_wins, (A.score + H.score) AS total_score FROM 
  (SELECT COUNT(*) as wins, SUM(G.away_score) as score FROM games G
     G.team_id = T.team_id #See 3. and you'll understand
     G.away_score > G.home_score) AS A, 

   (SELECT COUNT(*) as wins, SUM(G.home_score) as score FROM games G 
      G.team_id = T.team_id #See 3. and you'll understand
      G.home_score > away_score) AS H, 

   teams T
   ORDER BY total_wins, total_score 

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