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MySQL Inner Join-tabel baseret på kolonneværdi

For at få alle tabellers statistik, kan du bruge en UNION, med 2 eller flere valg, en for hver tabel:

( SELECT s.*
       , table1.title AS name      --or whatever field you want to show
  FROM stats s
    JOIN $tableName1 table1
      ON s.id = table1.id
  WHERE tableName = '$tableName1'
( SELECT s.*
       , table2.name AS name      --or whatever field you want to show
  FROM stats s
    JOIN $tableName2 table2
      ON s.id = table2.id
  WHERE tableName = '$tableName2'
( SELECT s.*
       , table3.lastname AS name      --or whatever field you want to show
  FROM stats s
    JOIN $tableName3 table3
      ON s.id = table3.id
  WHERE tableName = '$tableName3'

Bruger Winfreds idé med LEFT JOIN s. Det giver forskellige resultater, f.eks. hvert felt fra de andre tabeller udlæses i sin egen kolonne (og mange NULL'er forekommer).

     , table1.title      --or whatever fields you want to show
     , table2.name
     , table3.lastname   --etc
FROM stats s
  LEFT JOIN $tableName1 table1
    ON s.id = table1.id
      AND s.tableName = '$tableName1'
  LEFT JOIN $tableName2 table2
    ON s.id = table2.id
      AND s.tableName = '$tableName2'
  LEFT JOIN $tableName3 table3
    ON s.id = table3.id
      AND s.tableName = '$tableName3'
--this is to ensure that omited tables statistics don't appear
WHERE s.tablename IN
   ( '$tableName1'
   , '$tableName2'
   , '$tableName3'

  1. bruger mysql_close()

  2. Sådan arbejder du med PostgreSQL-databaser

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