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Sådan får du rækkeværdier for en datagridview og sender den til en anden formular ved hjælp af en knap i samme række

For at gøre dette kan du bruge CellClick hændelse af din DataGridView , se venligst nedenfor.

  Private Sub grdApplicantsAS_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles grdApplicantsAS.CellClick
        Dim frm2 As Form2
            'First column button
            If e.ColumnIndex = 0 Then
               frm2 = New Form2(grdApplicantsAS.CurrentRow.Cells(YOUR NUMBER COLUMN).Value.ToString())
            ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = 1
               'Do what you need here for the other button...
            End If             

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End If
End Sub


 Public Class Form2
   Public Property EmployeeName As String

   'Pass your name in as the argument. Now Form 2 will have your name...
   Public Sub New(ByVal strEmployeeName As String)

     'Set your property of your employee name
     EmployeeName = strEmployeeName

   End Sub

 End Class

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