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Få alle solgte varer baseret på en samling af varer fra en mastertabel i SQL Server

Dette vil sandsynligvis bringe dig det meste af vejen dertil. Jeg har ikke indført logik for at flytte oversigtskolonnerne rundt, da det kun ville fungere for to kategorier, og jeg antager, at du har mange flere.

CREATE TABLE #Master(ItemNo int,[Name] varchar(50), Category varchar(5)) 
INSERT INTO #Master VALUES(10001,'Apple','C1' )   
INSERT INTO #Master VALUES(10002, 'Coffee' ,'C1')  
INSERT INTO #Master VALUES(10003,'Bread','C2')   
INSERT INTO #Master VALUES(10004,'Beans' ,'C2')  

CREATe TABLE #Transactions(SiteID int,BusinessDate date,ItemName varchar(50),[Units Sold]int,[Units Sale]int,ItemNo int,  OrderNo varchar(20))
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Apple',1,5,10001,'122-1')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Coffee',1,16,10002,'122-1')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Bread',2,7,10003,'122-1')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Beans',9,18,10004,'122-1')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Apple',2,5,10001,'122-4')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Coffee',2,6,10002,'122-4')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Bread',1,7,10003,'122-4')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(1,'06/08/2018','Beans',4,8,10004,'122-4')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(2,'06/08/2018','Apple',2,5,10001,'122-2')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(2,'06/08/2018','Coffee',1,6,10002,'122-2')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(3,'06/08/2018','Bread',3,5,10003,'122-3')
INSERT INTO #Transactions VALUES(3,'06/08/2018','Beans',7,17,10004,'122-3')

select MS.ItemNo,MS.Name,MS.Category, SUM(TR.[Units Sold]) RootItemSold, tr.OrderNo
from #Master MS
INNER JOIN #Transactions TR on MS.ItemNo = TR.ItemNo
GROUP BY MS.ItemNo,MS.Name,MS.Category, tr.OrderNo
MiddleCalc as
select ItemNo, [Name],Category,RootItemSold,OrderNo
,(SELECT ISNULL(SUM(1),0)  FROM CTE T2 where TRoot.OrderNo = t2.OrderNo and TRoot.Category <> t2.Category) HasOtherCategory
from CTE TRoot
SELECT ItemNo,[Name],[Category], 
CASE WHEN Category = 'C1' THEN
        SUM(CASE WHEN HasOtherCategory <> 0 THEN RootItemSold ELSE 0 END)  END C1,
CASE WHEN Category = 'C2' THEN
        SUM(CASE WHEN HasOtherCategory <> 0 THEN RootItemSold ELSE 0 END)  END C2
FROM MiddleCalc
GROUP BY ItemNo,[Name],[Category]

  1. Reserveret ord i kolonnenavn - indsæt i MySQL

  2. Overskrivning af data i en MySQL-tabel

  3. Er følgende forespørgsel mulig med SQL Pivot?

  4. mysqli_query() forventer mindst 2 parametre, 1 givet i?