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Generer selvsigneret certifikat med Root CA Signer

Den ultimative løsning i mit tilfælde, at undgå makecert og openssl, var at bruge Powershell og BouncyCastle. Jeg gaflede PSBouncyCastle-reposen fra PSBouncyCastle af RLipscombe og skubbede 1.8.1 Bouncy Castle ind. Min forked version er den, jeg har brugt til scriptet, gaflen ligger på Forked:PSBouncyCastle.New .

Jeg brugte derefter StackOverflow:C# Generate Certificates on the Fly som inspiration til at skrive følgende powershell nedenfor, jeg vil tilføje dette til min GitHub og kommentere, og jeg vil ændre dette, så snart jeg gør det :

Import-Module -Name PSBouncyCastle.New

function New-SelfSignedCertificate {
  param (
    [string]$FriendlyName = "New Certificate",
    [bool]$IsCA = $false,
    [int]$KeyStrength = 2048,
    [int]$ValidYears = 2,
    [hashtable]$EKU = @{}

  # Needed generators
  $random = New-SecureRandom
  $certificateGenerator = New-CertificateGenerator

  if($Issuer -ne $null -and $Issuer.HasPrivateKey -eq $true)
    $IssuerName = $Issuer.IssuerName.Name
    $IssuerPrivateKey = $Issuer.PrivateKey
  # Create and set a random certificate serial number
  $serial = New-SerialNumber -Random $random

  # The signature algorithm

  # Basic Constraints - certificate is allowed to be used as intermediate.
  # Powershell requires either a $null or reassignment or it will return this from the function
  $certificateGenerator = Add-BasicConstraints -isCertificateAuthority $IsCA -certificateGenerator $certificateGenerator

  # Key Usage
  if($EKU.Count -gt 0) 
    $certificateGenerator = $certificateGenerator | Add-ExtendedKeyUsage @EKU
  # Create and set the Issuer and Subject name
  $subjectDN = New-X509Name -Name ($SubjectName)
  if($Issuer -ne $null) {
    $IssuerDN = New-X509Name -Name ($IssuerName)
    $IssuerDN = New-X509Name -Name ($SubjectName)

  # Authority Key and Subject Identifier
  if($Issuer -ne $null)
    $IssuerKeyPair = ConvertTo-BouncyCastleKeyPair -PrivateKey $IssuerPrivateKey
    $IssuerSerial = [Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger]$Issuer.GetSerialNumber()
    $authorityKeyIdentifier = New-AuthorityKeyIdentifier -name $Issuer.IssuerName.Name -publicKey $IssuerKeyPair.Public -serialNumber $IssuerSerial
    $certificateGenerator = Add-AuthorityKeyIdentifier -certificateGenerator $certificateGenerator -authorityKeyIdentifier $authorityKeyIdentifier

  # Validity range of the certificate
  [DateTime]$notBefore = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
  if($ValidYears -gt 0) {
    [DateTime]$notAfter = $notBefore.AddYears($ValidYears)

  # Subject public key ~and private
  $subjectKeyPair = New-KeyPair -Strength $keyStrength -Random $random
  if($IssuerPrivateKey -ne $null)
    $IssuerKeyPair = [Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DotNetUtilities]::GetKeyPair($IssuerPrivateKey)
    $IssuerKeyPair = $subjectKeyPair

  # Create the Certificate
  $IssuerKeyPair = $subjectKeyPair
  $certificate = $certificateGenerator.Generate($IssuerKeyPair.Private, $random)
  # At this point you have the certificate and need to convert it and export, I return the private key for signing the next cert
  $pfxCertificate = ConvertFrom-BouncyCastleCertificate -certificate $certificate -subjectKeyPair $subjectKeyPair -friendlyName $FriendlyName
  return $pfxCertificate

Et par eksempler på brug af denne powershell ville være:

Generer en rod-CA

$TestRootCA = New-SelfSignedCertificate -subjectName "CN=TestRootCA" -IsCA $true
Export-Certificate -Certificate $test -OutputFile "TestRootCA.pfx" -X509ContentType Pfx

Generer en standard selvsigneret

$TestSS = New-SelfSignedCertificate -subjectName "CN=TestLocal"
Export-Certificate -Certificate $TestSS -OutputFile "TestLocal.pfx" -X509ContentType Pfx

Generer et certifikat ved at signere med et rodcertifikat

$TestRootCA = New-SelfSignedCertificate -subjectName "CN=TestRootCA" -IsCA $true
$TestSigned = New-SelfSignedCertificate -subjectName "CN=TestSignedByRoot" -issuer $TestRootCA

Export-Certificate -Certificate $test -OutputFile "TestRootCA.pfx" -X509ContentType Pfx
Export-Certificate -Certificate $test -OutputFile "TestRootCA.pfx" -X509ContentType Pfx

Generer en selvsigneret med specifik brug

$TestServerCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -subjectName "CN=TestServerCert" -EKU @{ "ServerAuthentication" = $true }

Bemærk, at -EKU-parameteren accepterer via splatting, det gør dette for at sikre, at alt tilføjet til Add-ExtendedKeyUsage er gyldigt bestået. Den accepterer følgende certifikatanvendelser:

  • Digital signatur
  • Ikke afvisning
  • Nøglekryptering
  • DataEncipherment
  • Nøgleaftale
  • KeyCertSign
  • CrlSign
  • Kun encipher
  • Kun dechiffrer

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