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SQL Server 2008 Split streng fra felt i post

Brug CROSS APPLY i forbindelse med din opsplittende UDF. Den strengsplitter, jeg bruger til mit eksempel, kommer fra her .

/* Create function for purposes of demo */
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnParseStringTSQL] (@string NVARCHAR(MAX),@separator NCHAR(1))
RETURNS @parsedString TABLE (string NVARCHAR(MAX))
   DECLARE @position int
   SET @position = 1
   SET @string = @string + @separator
   WHILE charindex(@separator,@string,@position) <> 0
         INSERT into @parsedString
         SELECT substring(@string, @position, charindex(@separator,@string,@position) - @position)
         SET @position = charindex(@separator,@string,@position) + 1

/* Set up sample data */
declare @t table (
    IR int,
    CR varchar(100)

insert into @t
    (IR, CR)
    select 1, '1,2' union all
    select 2, '3' union all
    select 3, '4,5,6'

/* Here's the query that solves the problem */
select t.IR, p.string
    from @t t
        cross apply [dbo].[fnParseStringTSQL](t.CR,',') p

/* clean up after demo */
drop function [dbo].[fnParseStringTSQL]

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