Som Martin foreslog, skal du aktivere IDENTITY_INSERT
så du kan presse dine egne identitetsværdier. Du skal muligvis også anskaffe en tabellås for at sikre, at Max(Id) returnerer den korrekte værdi.
If object_id('tempdb..#TestData') is not null
Drop Table #TestData
Create Table #TestData
Id int not null identity(1,1) Primary Key
, ParentId int not null
, Name varchar(50) not null
Set Identity_Insert #TestData On
Insert #TestData( Id, ParentId, Name )
Values( 1,0,'Food' )
, ( 2,1,'Taste' )
, ( 3,1,'Price' )
, ( 4,2,'Taste Requirement' );
With Data As
Select Cast(MaxId.Id + 1 As int) As Id
, T.ParentId
, 'Copy Of ' + As Name
, T.Id As OldId
, 0 As OldParentId
From #TestData As T
Cross Join( Select Max( id ) As Id From #TestData ) As MaxId
Where T.Name = 'Food'
Union All
Select Cast( + Row_Number() Over( Order By Child.Id ) + 1 As int)
, Parent.Id
, 'Copy of ' + Child.Name
, Child.Id
, Child.ParentId
From Data As Parent
Join #TestData As Child
On Child.ParentId = Parent.OldId
Insert #TestData( Id, ParentId, Name )
Select Id, ParentId, Name
From Data
Set Identity_Insert #TestData Off
id | parentid | name -- | -------- | ----------------- 1 | 0 | Food 2 | 1 | Taste 3 | 1 | Price 4 | 2 | Taste Requirement 5 | 0 | Copy Of Food 7 | 5 | Copy of Taste 8 | 5 | Copy of Price 9 | 7 | Copy of Taste Requirement