sql >> Database teknologi >  >> RDS >> PostgreSQL

Hvordan tæller man alle de forbundne noder (rækker) i en graf på Postgres?

Du kan bruge en rekursiv cte:

with recursive t(account_id, device_id) as (
       select 1, 10 union all
       select 1, 11 union all
       select 1, 12 union all
       select 2, 10 union all
       select 3, 11 union all
       select 3, 13 union all
       select 3, 14 union all
       select 4, 15 union all
       select 5, 15 union all
       select 6, 16
     a as (
      select distinct t.account_id as a, t2.account_id as a2
      from t join
           t t2
           on t2.device_id = t.device_id and t.account_id >= t2.account_id
     cte as (
      select a.a, a.a2 as mina
      from a
      union all
      select a.a, cte.a
      from cte join
           on a.a2 = cte.a and a.a > cte.a
select grp, array_agg(a)
from (select a, min(mina) as grp
      from cte
      group by a
     ) a
group by grp;

Her er en SQL Fiddle.

  1. optimer mysql-forespørgsel med LIKE-operator til 10.000 poster

  2. NHibernate.Mapping undtagelse. Ingen persister for Namespace.className

  3. Vælg brugere, der ejer både en hund og en kat

  4. ORA-00904 Ugyldig identifikator” for en identifikator i en gruppe efter klausul