sql >> Database teknologi >  >> RDS >> Oracle

Oracle får tabelnavne baseret på kolonneværdi

Denne forespørgsel kan udføres i ét trin ved hjælp af den (ikke-forældede) XMLTABLE.


--Table-1 and Table-2 match the criteria. --Table-3 has the right column but not the right value. --Table-4 does not have the right column. create table "Table-1" as select '1234' employee_id from dual; create table "Table-2" as select '1234' employee_id from dual; create table "Table-3" as select '4321' employee_id from dual; create table "Table-4" as select 1 id from dual;


--All tables with the column EMPLOYEE_ID, and the number of rows where EMPLOYEE_ID = '1234'. select table_name, total from ( --Get XML results of dynamic query on relevant tables and columns. select dbms_xmlgen.getXMLType( ( --Create a SELECT statement on each table, UNION ALL'ed together. select listagg( 'select '''||table_name||''' table_name, count(*) total from "'||table_name||'" where employee_id = ''1234''' ,' union all'||chr(10)) within group (order by table_name) v_sql from user_tab_columns where column_name = 'EMPLOYEE_ID' ) ) xml from dual ) x cross join --Convert the XML data to relational. xmltable('/ROWSET/ROW' passing x.xml columns table_name varchar2(128) path 'TABLE_NAME', total number path 'TOTAL' );


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Table-1      1
Table-2      1
Table-3      0

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